Eski so devoir sa meme li ene professeur sa tifi. paye ene l'hotel au montant de ci pa plis ki 10000 roupies parski tifi la suicidaire..Li ti bizin averti les ensemble ek parent zot trouve ene chemin couma pou aide tifi la? ...
Eski so devoir sa meme li ene professeur sa tifi. paye ene l'hotel au montant de ci pa plis ki 10000 roupies parski tifi la suicidaire..Li ti bizin averti les ensemble ek parent zot trouve ene chemin couma pou aide tifi la? ...
I can see the use of yep and bought it on the Zot last week, however i'm not quite getting leap! I've been trying to use it in place of finder and supposedly you're meant to be able to find things quicker with it than in the finder or .... more who have larger screen resolution than my little 12? G4 Powerbook at 1024×768?the interface is very busy. Leap seems to benefit as well from larger screen reale estate but still seems pretty useable with the smaller space I have. ...